Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordless Picture Books

PICT, ARM Armstrong, Jennifer; ill. David Small Once upon a banana 2006

SPICT ARU Aruego, Jose; ill. Ariane Dewey The last laugh 2006

SPICT BAK Home 2004 (and several other titles by this ‘living collage’ illustrator)

SPICT BAN Banyai, Istvan Zoom 1995; Re-zoom; The other side 2005

PICT BAR Bartlett, T.C. ; ill. Monique Felix Tuba lessons 1997

SPICT BUR Burke, Tina Fly, little bird 2006

PICT COL Collington, Peter On Christmas Eve 1990

SPICT COL Collington, Peter A small miracle 1997

PICT DAY Day, Alexandra Follow Carl 1998

PICT DEM Dematons, Charlotte The yellow balloon 2004

PICT DEP DePaola, Tomie The hunter and the animals 1981; Sing, Pierrot, Sing : a picture book in mime 1983

SPICT FAL Faller, Regis The adventures of Polo 2006

PICT FLE Fleischman, Paul; ill. Kevin Hawkes City circus 2004

SPICT GEI Geisert, Arthur Lights out 2005

SPICT GLE Gleeson, Libby; ill. Armin Greder An ordinary day 2001

PICT GOO Goodale, Rebecca Island dog 1999

SPICT GUI Guiloppe, Antoine One scary night 2005

PICT JEN Jenkins, Steve Looking down 1995

SPICT LEH Lehman, Barbara Museum trip 2006
Rainstorm 2007
The red book 2004

PICT LIU Liu, Jae Soo; music by Dong Il Sheen Yellow umbrella (colours) (with accompanying audio CD) 2002

SPICT LUD Ludy, Mark The flower man 2005

PICT MCC McCully, Emily Arnold Four hungry kittens 2001

PICT POP Popov, Nikolai Why? 1996

SPICT ROG Rogers, Gregory The boy, the bear, the baron, the bard 2004; Midsummer knight 2006.

PICT SAR Sara Across town 1990

PICT SAS Sasaki, Isao Snow 1980

PICT SIS Sis, Peter Ocean world 1992

PICT STO Stower, Adam Slam! A tale of consequences 2005

PICT TAF Tafuri, Nancy Junglewalk 1988

SPICT TAN Tan, Shaun The arrival 2006

SPICT TRO Trondheim, Lewis Mr O 2004

SPICT TUR Turner, Sandy Silent night 2003

PICT WIE Wiesner, David Free fall 1988 (and several other quality older picture books)

SPICT WIE Wiesner, David Flotsam 2006

Monday, October 6, 2008

Re-cycling/Conservation Picture Books

PICT AAR Aaron, Moses; ill. David Mackintosh The duck catcher 2003

PICT ALB Albert, Richard E.; ill. Sylvia Long Alejandro’s gift 1994

PICT ASC Asch, Frank The earth and I 1994

PICT ATK Atkins, Jeannine; ill. Venantius J. Pinto Aani and the tree huggers 1995

PICT BAK Baker, Jeannie Home (neighbourhood reclamation--2004)
(Almost all this author’s collage-illustrated books deal with conservation/ecology)

PICT BAL Balderson, Margaret; ill. Janine Dawson Junkyard dogs 2003

SPICT BAS Base, Graeme The waterhole 2001; Uno’s garden 2006

FIC BEN Bennetts, Marlene J.; ill. Trish Bowles Skalaska’s new home (Christchurch estuary—godwits) 2004

PICT BES Best, Cari; ill. Christine Davenier Sally Jean, the bicycle queen 2006

PICT BRA Bradshaw, Gillian; ill. David Cox Shock Monday (benefits of walking to school-1999)

PICT BRE Brett, Jan The umbrella (rainforest animals) 2004

PICT BUR Burningham, John Oi! Get off our train 1989

PICT BUX Buxton, Jane; ill. Philip Webb The little penguin who wouldn’t eat his dinner (NZ-2006)

PICT CHE Cheng, Christopher; ill. Steven Woolman One child 2000

PICT CHE Cherry, Lynne The sea, the storm and the mangrove tangle 2004
PICT CLA Clark, Katie; ill. Amy Huntingdon Grandma drove the garbage truck 2006
PICT COL Cole, Henry On Meadowview Street 2007
PICT COO Coote, Maree The seacret of Driftus and Sprout 2005 (sea dragons)
PICT COV Coville, Bruce; ill. John Clapp The prince of butterflies 2002
PICT CRE Crew, Gary; ill. Craig Smith Arno the garbo (2001)
SPICT CRE Crew Gary; ill. Mark Wilson I saw nothing (2003);
I said nothing (2003); I did nothing (2004) (extinct/ endangered species)
PICT DAR Darroch, Bob The last tree on the island (NZ-2006)
PICT DAR Darroch, Bob The tree (NZ-2004)
PICT DAV Davey, Mike; ill. Bruce Potter The dawn (NZ-2007)
PICT DAV Davies, Nicola; ill. Michael Foreman White owl, barn owl 2007
PICT DED Dedieu, Thierry Hunting for fur : the adventures of Panda and Koala (1998)
PICT DEV Devlin, Erin; ill. Annie Jeannes As kuku slept (NZ-2006)
PICT DIC Dickinson, Trevor; ill. Emma Carlow Kitty Princess and the newspaper dress (2004)
PICT DUD Duder, Tessa; ill. Mark Wilson Carpet of dreams (2006)
PICT DUN Duncan, Tracy; ill. Jonathan Huntley The man who loved the sea (marine reserves, NZ--2004)
PICT ELB Elbling, Peter; ill. Sophy Williams Aria (rainforest-1994)
PICT END Endt Topzandt, Monique Lucky pateke (NZ-2006)
PICT FAR Farrelly, Peter; ill. Jamie Rama Abigale the happy whale (ocean pollution- 2006)
PICT FRO Fromental, Jean-Luc; ill. Joelle Jolivet 365 penguins (global warming; melting of the ice caps-2006)
PICT GAL Galbraith, Ben The three fishing brothers Gruff (overfishing--2006)
PICT GAR Garland, Sherry Summer sands (erosion, sand dune ecology--1995)
PICT GEO George, Jean Craighead; ill. Wendell Minor Luck : the story of a sandbill crane 2006
PICT GIL Gilderdale, Betty & Alan The little yellow digger saves the whale (NZ) 2001
PICT GOO Goodall, Jane; ill. Alan Marks Rickie and Henri : a true story 2004
PICT GRA Graves, Sue; ill. Richard Watson Jenny and the jumble sale 2005
PICT HIL Hill, Anthony; ill. Jane Tanner Lucy’s cat and the rainbow birds 2007
PICT HUT Hutchison, Jennifer; ill. Anne Hutchison Greg! The naughty takahe 2006
PICT JAM James, Simon Dear Greenpeace 2005 edition
PICT JEN Jennings, Paul; ill. Jane Tanner The fisherman and the theefyspray 1994
PICT JEN Jensen, Jo Pipit ; ill Adrienne Williams Pipit 1999
PICT KAN Kane, Glenda; ill. Lisa Allen Mangrove (NZ) 2007

PICT LAM Lam, Amy Panki in the land of the kiwi 2005

PICT LET Le Tord, Bijou Elephant moon 1993

PICT LEW Lewis, Carolyn; ill. Janet Hodgetts When the Jones kids came to town : a weedbusters adventure(NZ) 2006

PICT LOC Lockyer, John; ill. Dave Gunson My kiwi (NZ) 2005

PICT LOO Van Loon, Joan; ill. John Van Loon Mang the wild orang-utan 2007

PICT LUC Lucas, David Whale 2006

PICT MCP McPhail, David Water boy 2007

PICT MAR Martin, Bill Jr. and Michael Sampson; photographs by Dan Lipow
I love our earth 2006

PICT MIL Miles, Victoria; ill. Molly Bang Old Mother Bear 2007

PICT MIL Miller, David Refugees (collage pictures) 2003

PICT MOR Morrison, Yvonne; ill. Jenny Cooper Down in the forest (NZ) 2004

PICT MUR Murphy, Stuart J.; ill. Renee Andriani Earth Day—hooray! 2004
(non-fiction title shelved at 513 MUR)

PICT OLI Oliver, Narelle Home (habitat destruction) 2006

PICT ORA Oram, Hiawyn; ill. Vanessa Cabban When wishing comes true 2006

PICT PAR Parry, Taffy Tommy Tui’s journey 2007

PICT PEE Peet, Bill Farewell to Shady Glade (1966)

PICT PFI Pfister, Marcus Milo and the magical stones (2000 edition)

PICT POP Popov, Nikolai Why? 1996

PICT POP Poppenhager, Nicole; ill. Ivan Gantschev Snow leopards (endangered species) 2006

PICT POR Portis, Antoinette Not a box 2007

PICT POW Pow, Tom; ill. Robert Ingpen Who is the world for? 2000

PICT PRI Prior, Natalie Jane; ill. Cheryl Orsini Minnie Pearl and the undersea bazaar 2007

PICT REA Readman, Jo; ill. Honor Roberts George saves the world by lunchtime 2006

PICT REE Reece, James H. Lester and Clyde (1997)

PICT RID Riddell, Chris Wendel’s workshop (2007)

PICT SCH Schimmel, Schim Children of the earth…remember (1997)

PICT SEU Seuss, Dr The lorax (video also available)

PICT SIL Silverstein, Shel The giving tree (1964)

PICT SIB Sibley, Irena Greta the garbo (2002)

PICT SPI Spillman, David; ill. Mark Wilson Yellow-eye (2002)

PICT STA Stanley, Elizabeth Tyger! Tyger! (2007)

PICT SUZ Suzuki, David and Ellis, Sarah; ill. Sheena Lott Salmon forest (2003)

SPICT TAU Tauss, Marc Superhero (2005)
Maleek and his robot Marvyn travel to the past to find trees and plants to restore the city that tall buildings have taken over. Contains black and white photo illustrations featuring the New York skyline

PICT VAN Van de Weert, Renee Hapimarika; ill. Anton Petrov The last whale (2001) Also available in Te Reo Maori

PICT WAL Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth Recycle everyday! (2003)

PICT WHI Whillis Sharon; ill. Bob Darroch To the dump (NZ) 2001

PICT WIL Willis, Jeanne; ill. Tony Ross Shhh! (noise pollution) 2004

PICT WIL Wilson, Mark The last tree 2007

Friday, October 3, 2008

Picture Books About Spring

Brown, Craig In the spring

Miller, Moira; ill. Ian Deuchar The search for spring

Emberley, Michael Welcome back spring

Gliori, Debi Flora’s flowers

Hunter, Anne Possum and the peeper

Krensky, Stephen Lionel in the spring

Kroll, Virginia L. Naomi knows it’s springtime

Manushskin, Fran; ill. Holly Berry How mama brought the spring 2008

Peters, Lisa Westberg Cold little duck, duck, duck

Schnur, Steven Spring thaw

Segal, John Carrot soup 2006

Wells, Rosemary Forest of dreams

Zagwyn, Deborah Turney Turtle spring 1997

Also junior fiction titles :

Nabb, Magdalen Josie Smith in spring

Stevenson, James Mud Flat spring

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kiwiana Picture Books

PICT BAC Bacon, Ron; ill. Sharon O’Callaghan Hemi dances 2007 (orig. 1985)

SPICT BAL Ball, Murray Fred the (quite) brave mouse 2003

PICT CAM Campbell, Helen; ill. James Paton What is a Southlander? 1999; More about Southlanders 2001

PICT CHA Chapman, Pam; ill. Angela Connell Shrek the sheep : based on a true story 2005

PICT DAR Darroch, Ruth; ill. Bob Darroch Mrs Parata’s problem pets 2007

PICT DAV Davey, Lucy; ill. Lorenzo van der Lingen Mr Mayor’s pavlova palaver (2008)

PICT DAV Davey, Mike; ill. Bruce Potter The dawn 2007

PICT DEA Dear, Lynley; ill. Shaun Yeo Henry the southern man tuatara

PICT DRE Drewery, Melanie Matariki 2003; Tahi one lucky kiwi 2007, and several other kiwiana picture books

PICT FAR Farrer, Maria; ill. Deborah Hinde Santa’s kiwi holiday 2005

PICT GUN Gunther, Richard Where’s Kiwi Kevin? 2003; Where’s Kiwi Kevin now ? (great Kiwi events) 2004

PICT HUR Hurst, Christine; ill. Raymond McGrath The boy who bounced around Aotearoa New Zealand 2007

PICT IHA Ihaka, Kingi M.; ill. Dick Frizzell A pukeko in a ponga tree 1981

PICT JAH Jahri Jah Jah 123’s for Kiwis 2006

PICT JAH Jahri Jah Jah ABC’s for Kiwis 2006
(both these titles are also available in te reo, with English translations alongside the Maori)

PICT MAR Marshall, Janet K is for kiwi : a New Zealand ABC 2005

PICT MAR Martin, Janet; ill. Ivar Treskon Kiri the kereru 2007

PICT MIL Millett, Peter; ill. Lamia Aziz The Anzac biscuit man and other classic tales 2007

PICT MOR Morris, Sandra One lonely kakapo : a counting book 1991; Godwit’s journey 2002

PICT MOR Morrison, Yvonne; ill. Deborah Hinde A kiwi Night before Christmas (with CD) 2003; A kiwi Jingle Bells (with CD) 2006; ill. Jenny Cooper Down in the forest 2004

PICT NOR Norrie, S.W.; ill. Ross Kinnaird One chocolate fish : a New Zealand counting book 2002

PICT ORA Orams, LeAnne; ill. Lamia Aziz Can I play? 2007

PICT PAL Palmer, Rebekah; ill. Daniel Falconer and Chris Guise (from Weta Workshop) Champ the chopper 2007

PICT PAL Palmer, Stanley To the harbour 2007

PICT PAR Parker, John; ill. Jeffrey Parker Amanda the amazing merino 1990; ill. Linda McClelland Pavlova and presents 1996

PICT PAR Parry, Taffy Tommy Tui’s journey 2007

PICT PUL Pullar, Noeline; ill. Lesley Faulks, Lesley; with students of Tarras School Further adventures of Shrek, New Zealand’s celebrity sheep 2007

PICT REI Reisfeld, Bert (adapted by Jamie Lawrence); ill. Mark Russell Flick the little fire engine 2007

PICT RIL Riley, Kim; ill. Deb Hinde Cow power 2004

PICT SAL Salmon, Michael The great New Zealand moa hunt 2007

PICT SHR Shrek the famous hermit sheep of Tarras (by the students of Tarras School; ill. Jenny Chisholm) 2004

PICT SUT Sutton, Sally; ill. Scott Pearson A is for All Black 2006; ill. Dave Gunson Crazy kiwi tops and tails : mix and match—hours of fun 2006

PICT SWA Swadling, Irene; ill. Peter Campbell New legends of Aotearoa : New Zealand birds 2006

PICT TUR Turner, Gwenda—New Zealand ABC; New Zealand 123; and other books by this author

PICT UNC Uncle Anzac Kapai’s new mates and other stories (omnibus version containing three Kapai stories) 2007; Kapai goal shoot 2007

PICT WHI Whillis, Sharon; ill. John Bennett The Boxing Day test 2002

PICT WRI Wrinkly Merino’s Glenorchy adventure (written by the children of Glenorchy School; ill. David Henshaw and the children of Glenorchy School) 2002

Early New Zealand Picture Books

Bacon, R.L.; ill. Para Matchitt Rua and the sea people (1983)

Beals, Graeme; ill. Kirsty McLean Polly and her New Zealand farming family: 1910 (2005)
[see also the non-fiction worksheet/picture collection Kate and her New Zealand farming family 1910, shelved at 306.852 JAM]

Beck, Jennifer; ill. Lindy Fisher Stefania’s dancing slippers (Polish immigration to New Zealand, WW2) 2007

Bishop, Graham The house that Jack built (1999)

Butler, Dorothy Come back Ginger (1987); By jingo! a tale of old New Zealand (1992); Davy’s ducks (2006); Seadog 2007

Campbell, Gordon; ill. Zak Waipara Horeta and the waka (2007)

Cartwright, Pauline; ill. Caroline Campbell A war far away (1990)

Henkel, Virginia; ill. Bruce Luxford Letters from the past (NZ) 1989

McMillan, Dawn; ill. Raymond McGrath Glasseye creek (West Coast goldrush—2008)

Meharry, Dot; ill. Spike Wademan The way it was (Ready to read—2004)

*Morrison, Yvonne; ill. Fifi Colston Waka Wairua : the spirit waka (2005)

*Newson, Natalie; ill. Natalie Newson and Marylyn Simpkins Tarawera’s Pink Terrace children (2003) *[Both deal with Tarawera eruption]

Noonan, Diana; ill. Lyn Kriegler Kangaroo Bill and the forest behind the bay : a story of old New Zealand (1994)

Rowe, Rosamund; ill. Linda McClelland Isabel’s upside-down day ( 2000) [Hawkes Bay earthquake, 1931]