PICT AIO Aiono-Josefa, Sarona; ill. Bruce Potter The pipi swing (NZ) 2007
PICT ALA Alalou, Elizabeth and Ali; ill. Julie Klear Essakalli The butter man 2008
PICT ALE Alexander, Martha Nobody asked me if I wanted a baby sister (reprint—orig. published 1971)
PICT ALL Allen, Jonathan I’m not cute 2006
PICT ALL Allen, Pamela Herbert and Harry 2000 (reprint); Grandpa and Thomas and the green umbrella 2006; Is your grandmother a goanna? 2007
PICT AMA Amato, Mary; ill. Delphine Durand The chicken of the family 2008
PICT AMI Amico, Tom & Proimos, James; ill. Andy Snair Raisin and Grape 2006
PICT AND Anderson, Christine; ill. Steven Saler no Bedtime 2005
PICT AND Anderson, Karen; ill. Denise Whitmore The instainerator (NZ) 2006
PICT ANH Anholt, Laurence; ill. Jim Coplestone Seven for a secret 2006
PICT ARN Arnold, Marsha Diane; ill. Pierre Pratt Roar of a snore 2006
PICT ARN Arnosky, Jim Grandfather Buffalo 2006
PICT ASH Ashman, Linda; ill. Nadine Bernard Westcott To the beach! 2005; ill. Linda S. Wingerter What could be better than this? 2005
PICT BAN Bang, Molly Goose 1996
PICT BAT Bates, Dianne; ill. Cheryll Jones Big bad Bruce 2007
PICT BAU Baumgart, Klaus Laura’s journey to the stars 2002
PICT BEA Bean, Jonathan At night 2007
PICT BIN Binch, Caroline Silver shoes 2005
PICT BLA Blaisdell, Molly; ill. Nancy Lane Rembrandt and the boy who drew dogs : a story about Rembrandt van Rijn (father and son) 2007
PICT BOU Bougaeva, Sonja The visitor 2007
PICT BRI Bright, Paul; ill. Ben Cort I’m not going out there! 2006
PICT BRO Broach, Elise; ill. David Small When dinosaurs came with everything 2007
PICT BRO Brown, Jeff; ill. Scott Nash Flat Stanley 2006
PICT BRO Browne, Anthony Silly Billy 2006; My brother 2007
PICT BUE Buehner, Caralyn; ill. Jack E. Davis Would I ever lie to you? 2007
PICT BUT Butterworth, Nick My dad is brilliant 2008 edition
PICT CAI Cain, Sheridan; ill. Gaby Hansen By the light of the moon 2006
PICT CAL Cali, Davide; ill. Anna Laura Cantone A dad who measures up 2004; ill. Eric Heliot Piano piano (music- 2008)
PICT CAR Carlson, Nancy My family is forever 2004
PICT CAR Cartwright, Pauline; ill. Annabel Craighead The cross feeling (NZ author) 2007
PICT CAT Catchpool, Michael; ill. Sophy Williams Grandpa’s boat 2008
PICT CHA Charlip, Remy A perfect day 2006
PICT CHE Chen, Chih-Yuan Guji Guji 2004
PICT CHE Cheng, Andrea; ill. Ange Zhang Grandfather counts 2000
PICT CHI Chichester Clark, Emma Amazing Mr Zooty! 2006; Minty and Tink 2008
PICT CHI Child, Lauren My wobbly tooth must not ever never fall out 2006;
We honestly can look after your dog 2005
I’m really ever so not well 2007; This is actually my party 2007; Look after your planet 2008
PICT CLA Clark, Katie; ill. Amy Huntingdon Grandma drove the garbage truck 2005; Seagull Sam 2007
PICT COF Coffelt, Nancy; ill. Tricia Tusa Fred stays with me! 2007
PICT COL Cole, Babette The trouble with Mum (Dad, Grandad, Uncle, etc) Re-issued in small format 2004
PICT COL Collins, Ross Elephantom 2006; My amazing dad 2007
PICT CON Conway, David; ill. Karin Littlewood The most important gift of all 2006
PICT COX Cox, Judy; ill. Elbrite Brown My family plays music 2003
PICT CRE Creighton, Lorinda; ill. Bob Darroch Matilda and the fibbles (NZ author) 2007
PICT CRE Crews, Nina Below 2006
PICT CRI Crimi, Carolyn; ill. John Manders Where’s my mummy? (2008)
PICT CUL Cullen, Elyse; ill. Eddie Booth Grandma’s wooden leg (NZ author) 2005
PICT CUM Cummings, Mary; ill. Lin Wang Three names of me 2006
PICT DAV Davies, Nicola; ill. Michael Foreman White owl, barn owl 2007
PICT DEW Dewan, Ted Crispin and the best birthday surprise ever 2006
PICT DOW Downey, Lynn; ill. Pam Paparone The tattletale 2006
PICT DOY Doyle, Wayne My mother has done everything 2007
PICT DRE Drewery, Melanie; ill. Fifi Colston Itiiti’s gift (NZ) 2006
PICT DUD Duder, Tessa; ill. Mark Wilson Carpet of dreams 2006
PICT DUN Dunbar, Joyce; ill. Sanja Rescek Where’s my sock? 2006
PICT EDW Edwards, Hazel; ill. Kevin Burgemeestre Antarctic Dad 2006
PICT ELL Ellery, Amanda; ill. Tom Ellery If I had a dragon 2006
PICT ELL Elliot, Rachel; ill. Katie Pamment Grandad 2005
PICT ENG England, Kathryn; ill. Richard McFarland Grandfather’s wrinkles 2007
PICT FAL Falconer, Ian Olivia forms a band 2006; Olivia helps with Christmas 2007
PICT FEA Fearnley, Jan The search for the perfect child 2006
PICT FIE Fierstein, Harvey; ill. Henry Cole The sissy duckling 2002
PICT FIT Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise Silly school 2007
PICT FLE Fleischman, Paul; ill. Barry Root The birthday tree (Sophisticated in content) 2008
PICT FOR Foreman, Michael Dad! I can’t sleep 2007
PICT FOX Fox, Lee; ill. Cathy Wilcox Ella Kazoo will not brush her hair 2006
PICT FUN Funke, Cornelia; ill. Kerstin Meyer The wildest brother 2006; Princess Pigsty 2007
PICT FUS Fusillo, Archimede; ill. Terry Denton Grandad’s phase 2006
SPICT GAI Gaiman, Neil The day I swapped my dad for two goldfish (with audio CD) 2004
PICT GOD Godwin, Jane Little Cat and the big red school bus 2008
PICT GRA Graham, Bob Has anyone here seen William? 2001
PICT GRA Gray, Kes; ill. Nick Sharratt 006 and a bit 2006; Tiger ways 2007
PICT GRA Gray, Nigel; ill. Shane Nagle The best pet? 2006
PICT GRI Grimes, Nikki; ill. Bryan Collier Welcome, Precious! 2006
PICT GRI Grindley, Sally; ill. Margaret Chamberlain It’s my school 2005
PICT HAM Hamilton, Richard; ill. Helen Lanzrein The secret cave 2007
PICT HAM Hamilton, Richard; ill. Babette Cole If I were you (father and daughter) 2008
PICT HAN Hannken, Catherine; ill. Trish Bowles Fiapule 2006
PICT HAR Hardy, Kate Alfi Beasti, don’t eat that! 2004
PICT HAR Harper, Glyn; ill. Bruce Potter My grandfather’s war (NZ) 2007
SPICT HAR Harvey, Roland In the bush : our holiday at Wombat Flat 2005
PICT HAY Hayward, Rachel; ill. Raymond McGrath Jason’s extraordinary hair (NZ) 2006
PICT HEA Heal, Gillian Grandpa Bear’s fantastic scarf (colours) 1996
PICT HEN Henderson, John and Donaldson, Julia; ill. Thomas Docherty Fly, pigeon, fly! 2006
PICT HES Hessell, Jenny; ill. Trevor Pye Grandma McGarvey and the treasure hunt (NZ) 2006; Grandma McGarvey joins the scrum 2007 (and earlier Grandma McGarvey titles)
PICT HIN Hines, Anna Grossnickle; ill. Melissa Sweet My grandma is coming to town 2003
PICT HOL Holt, Kimberly Willis Waiting for Gregory 2006
PICT HOO Hook, Jason; ill. Richard Hook Where’s the dragon? (puzzle pictures) 2004
PICT HOP Hopgood, Tim Our big blue sofa 2006
PICT HOR Horse, Harry Little Rabbit’s new baby 2006
PICT HOY Hoy, Catriona; ill. Benjamin Johnson My Grandad marches on Anzac Day 2006
PICT HUT Hutchins, Pat There’s only one of me! 2003
PICT IHI Ihimaera, Witi The whale rider (abridged picture book version of his novel based on the legend of Paikea) 2005
PICT ISA Isadora, Rachel What a family : a fresh look at family trees 2006
PICT JAM James, Simon Baby Brains and Robomum 2007
PICT KEM Kemp, Jane; ill. Clare Walters Time to say I love you 2006;
ill. Jonathan Langley I very really miss you 2007
PICT KIR Kirwan, Wednesday Nobody notices Minerva 2007
PICT KOT Kotzwinkle, William; ill. Audrey Colman Walter the farting dog goes on a cruise 2006
PICT KRI Krishnaswami, Uma; ill. Jamel Akib Bringing Asha home 2006
PICT KRO Kromhout, Rindert; ill. Annemarie van Haeringen Little Donkey and the baby-sitter 2006
PICT LAW Lawler, Janet; ill. Lucy Corvino A father’s song 2006
PICT LAW Lawson, Sue; ill. Caroline Magerl My gran’s different 2003
PICT LEA Leavy, Una; ill. Jennifer Eachus Goodbye Pappa 1998
PICT LEE Lees, Rachel; ill. June Pearson A day on Grandad’s boat (NZ)2007 PICT LEG Legge, David Bamboozled 2004 reprint
PICT LEV Levine, Joan; ill. Tony Auth Topsy-turvy bedtime 2008
PICT LIG Lightfoot, Keri; ill. Ben Galbraith Every second Friday 2008
PICT LIN Lindbergh, Reeve; ill. Kathryn Brown My little grandmother often forgets 2007
PICT LIT Littlesugar, Amy; ill. Kimberley Bulcken Root Clown child 2006
PICT LOB Lobel, Gillian; ill. Tim Warnes Little honey bear and the smiley moon 2006
PICT LOH Loh, Morag; ill. Xiangyi Mo Grandpa and Ah Gong 1995
PICT LUB Lubner, Susan; ill. Bruce Whatley Ruthie Bon Bair : do not go to bed with wringing wet hair! 2006
PICT MCA McAllister, Angela; ill. Ross Collins Trust me, Mum! 2006; ill. Nick Maland A place for Middle 2007
PICT MCB McBratney, Sam; ill. Charles Fuge It’s lovely when you smile 2006
PICT MCC McConnell, Sarah Don’t mention pirates 2007
PICT MCC McCosker, Helen The nightfish (puzzle pictures) 2006
PICT MCG McGrath, Raymond Don’t worry Nana, I’ll drive! 2007
SPICT MCK McKimmie, Chris Maisie Moo and invisible Lucy 2007; Special Kev 2008
PICT MCK McKinlay, Helen; ill. Craig Smith Grandma’s week off 2003; Grandma joins the All Blacks (NZ) 2007
PICT MCL Macleod, Mark; ill. Kirrily Schell Tomorrow 2008
PICT MAC Mack, Todd; ill. Julia Gran Princess Penelope takes charge! 2006
PICT MAH Mahy, Margaret; ill. Chantal Stewart The dragon of an ordinary family 2004 (story originally published 1969)
PICT MAN Manzano, Sonia; ill. Matt Phelan A box full of kittens 2007
PICT MED Meddaugh, Susan The witch’s walking stick 2005
PICT MEL Melling, David Just like my dad 2002; Just like my mum 2004; Good knight, sleep tight 2005
PICT MEW Mewburn, Kyle; ill. Ali Teo & John O’Reilly Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck! 2006; ill. Freya Blackwood No room for a mouse 2007
PICT MOE Moetana, Kate; ill. Bruce Potter Papa’s donuts (NZ) 2006
PICT MOR Morrison, Yvonne; ill. Jenny Cooper Better together (NZ) 2007
PICT MUE Mueller, Ross; ill. Craig Smith The boy who built the boat 2006
PICT NEI Neild, Diana; ill. Philip Webb Piggity-wiggity jiggity jig 2008
PICT NOR Norman, Kim; ill. David Clark Jack of all tails 2007
PICT OCO O’Connor, Joe; ill. Henry Payne Where did Daddy’s hair go? 2004
PICT OFF Offill, Jenny; ill. Nancy Carpenter 17 things I’m not allowed to do anymore 2007
PICT ORM Ormerod, Jan; ill. Carol Thompson Molly and her dad 2008
PICT PAR Parker, John; ill. Trevor Allan Poppa McPhee gets the eggs (NZ) 2006
PICT PAR Parr, Todd The Grandma book 2006
PICT PAR Parr, Todd The Grandpa book 2006
PICT PAR Parr, Todd We belong together : a book about adoption and families 2007
PICT PER Pereira, Janet; ill. Bruce Potter Grandad (NZ) 2006
PICT PET Petty, Kate; ill. Georgie Birkett Ha ha, Baby! 2008
PICT PFI Pfister, Marcus Bertie at bedtime 2008
PICT PIN Pinkwater, Daniel; ill. Jill Pinkwater Dancing Larry 2006
PICT PIV Piven, Hanoch My dog is as smelly as dirty socks : and other funny family portraits 2007
PICT PUL Pulford, Elizabeth; ill. Jenny Cooper Shut the gate (NZ) 2006
PICT RAI Rainforth, Hannah; ill. Ali Teo Barnaby Bennett (NZ) 2006
PICT REA Readman, Jo; ill. Honor Roberts George saves the world by lunchtime 2006
PICT REY Reynolds, Peter H. My very big little world 2006
PICT RIC Richardson, Justin and Parnell, Peter; ill. Henry Cole And Tango makes three (family with two male parents) 2005
PICT ROS Rosen, Michael J.; ill. Marc Burckhardt A drive in the country 2007
PICT ROT Roth, Susan L. Great big guinea pigs 2006
PICT RUS Russo, Marisabina The bunnies are not in their beds 2007
PICT RYL Rylant, Cynthia; ill. Diane Goode Alligator boy 2007
PICT SCH Schaefer, Lola M.; ill. Kevan Atteberry Frankie Stein 2007
PICT SEL Selfe, Kirsten; ill. Greg O’Donnell Oscar Dunwoody’s week (NZ-with read-along CD) 2006
PICT SIN Sinclair, Heather; ill. Michael Compton Baggy bottoms are best (NZ-2005)
PICT SKI Skinner, Honoria; ill. Martin Simpson Eva’s picture (NZ) 2006
PICT SPI Spinelli, Eileen; ill. Rosie Winstead Someday 2007
PICT STA Stafford, Liliana; ill. Susy Boyer Grandpa’s gate 2007
PICT STR Strathie, Chae; ill. Jacqueline East My Dad! 2007
PICT SVE Svendsen, Mark; ill. Steven Woolman and Laura Peterson Kestrel 2006
PICT SZY Szymanik, Melinda; ill. Sarah Nelisiwe Anderson The were-nana (not a bedtime story) 2008
PICT TAF Tafuri, Nancy Whose chick are you? 2005
PICT TEL Tellis, Annbel If my dad were a dog 2007
PICT THO Thompson, Colin; ill. Karen Carter One big happy family 2002
PICT TOR Torckler, Gillian; ill. Bruce Potter The stuck there forever boat (grandparents) 2008
PICT TRO Trotter, Deborah W.; ill. Julie Downing How do you know? 2006
PICT TULL Tulloch, Coral Sydney of the Antarctic: a tale for those who have ever wanted to be lost..or found 2007
PICT TUL Tulloch, Scott Willy’s dad (NZ) 2007; Willy’s mum 2008
PICT VAN Van Allsburg, Chris Probuditi! 2007
PICT VIO Viorst, Judith; ill. Ray Cruz Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday (originally published 1978) 2007 printing
PICT VIS Vision, David & Mutiya; ill. Ignacio Alcantara Missing you 2004
PICT VOA Voake, Charlotte Pizza kittens 2002
PICT VUL Vulliamy, Clara Hop into bedtime 2006
PICT WAD Waddell, Martin; ill. Barbara Firth Bee frog 2007;
Once there were giants 2001 edition ( orig. published 1989)
PICT WES Westall, Robert; ill. William Geldart David and the kittens 2003
PICT WHE Wheeler, Lisa; ill. R. Gregory Christie Jazz baby 2007
PICT WIL Wild, Margaret; ill. Deborah Niland Chatterbox 2006
PICT WIL Wilson, Tony; ill. Andrew McLean The minister for traffic lights 2007
PICT WIN Winch, John Keeping up with Grandma 2000
PICT WOO Woodruff, Elvira; ill. Adam Rex Small beauties : the journey of Darcy Heart O’Hara 2006
PICT YAC Yaccarino, Dan Every Friday 2007
PICT YOK Yokococo Very interesting! 2005
PICT YOU Young, Ed My mei mei 2006
PICT ZEM Zemke, Deborah (illustrator); text by Harriet Ziefert 35 uses for a daughter 2005
PICT ZIE Ziefert, Harriet; ill. Amanda Haley 33 uses for a dad 2004; 40 uses for a grandpa 2005; 41 uses for a grandma 2005
PICT ZUC Zuckerman, Linda; ill. Jon J. Muth I will hold you ‘til you sleep 2006
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