PICT ALL Allen, Pamela Herbert & Harry 2000 reprint
(identifying what is really important)
Share said the rooster 2006
Our daft dog Danny 2009
(love; problem solving)
PICT ALS Alsenas, Linas Hello my name is Bob 2009
(respecting differences)
PICT AND Andersen, Hans Christian The swineherd 2008
(discernment; recognising true worth)
PICT AND Andreae, Giles; ill. Guy Parker-Rees The chimpanzees of Happytown 2006)
(optimism; being positive)
ill. David Wojtowycz The lion who wanted to love 2000
(friendship; kindness; gentleness)
ill. Katharine McEwen Nat fantastic 2008
PICT ARM Armitage, Ronda; ill. Holly Swain A new home for a pirate 2007
PICT BAI Bailey, Linda; ill. Bill Slavin The farm team 2006
(teamwork; being positive)
PICT BAI Bailey, Linda; ill. Bill Slavin Stanley’s beauty contest 2009
(friendship; self acceptance)
PICT BAI Bailey, Martin My favourite places (NZ) 2008
SPICT BAK Baker, Jeannie Home 2004
(ecology; reclaiming the neighbourhood; community values)
PICT BAL Ballou, Emily; ill. Stephen Michael King One blue sock 2007
(not afraid to be different)
PICT BAN Bansch, Helga Odd bird out 2008
(individuality; following a dream; not afraid to be different)
PICT BAT Bateman, Teresa; ill. Kelly Murphy Fiona’s luck 2007
(value of using brain rather than relying on luck; self help)
PICT BAU Bauer, Jutta Selma 2006
(self acceptance; being content with what one has)
PICT BEA Beath-Croft, Sandy and Croft, Simon; ill. Daniel Mills The happy little house (NZ) 2006
(working together; co-operation; righting wrongs; reclaiming the neighbourhood; community values)
PICT BEC Becker, Shari; ill. Nicole Wong Maxwell’s mountain 2006
(resourcefulness; self reliance)
PICT BEL Belton, Robyn Herbert the brave sea dog (NZ) 2008
(courage; family love)
PICT BER Berenstein, Stan and Jan; ill. Mike Berenstain The Berenstain bears and the trouble with commercials 2007
(discernment with regard to television advertisements)
PICT BER Bergman, Mara; ill. Nick Maland Oliver who was small but mighty 2008
(imagination; overcoming fear)
PICT BES Best, Cari; ill. Christine Davenier Sally Jean, the bicycle queen 2006
(self reliance; enterprise)
PICT BLA Bland, Nick The very cranky bear 2008
(kindness; good sense)
PICT BOT Bottin, Janet Slater; ill. Graeme Kyle The queue that grew (NZ) 2007
(self acceptance)
PICT BOU Bougaeva, Sonja The visitor 2007
(contentment; self acceptance)
PICT BRI Brisson, Pat; ill. Andrea Shine The summer my father was ten 1998 (taking responsibility)
PICT BRO Broad, Michael Scaredy Cat and Boo 2007
PICT BRO Broekstra, Lorette Hugo’s motorcycle rescue 2007
PICT BRO Brown, Ben; ill. Helen Taylor The penguin who wanted to fly (NZ) 2006 (perseverance; self-acceptance)
PICT BRO Brown, Ken The scarecrow’s hat 2001
(helpfulness; compromise; being content with one’s lot)
PICT BRO Brown, Marc D.W.’s guide to perfect manners 2006
PICT BRO Browne, Anthony My brother 2007
(family love)
PICT BRO Browne, Anthony Willy the dreamer 1997/2007
PICT BUE Buehner, Caralyn; ill. Mark Buehner The queen of style 2008
(community values; taking heed of other people’s needs)
PICT BUN Bunting, Eve The wedding 2003
(generosity; teamwork)
PICT BUN Bunting, Eve; ill. Ronald Himmler A day’s work 1994
PICT BUN Bunting, Eve; ill. Dominic Catalano Mouse Island 2008
(courage; friendship)
PICT BUR Burningham John Edwardo the horriblest boy in the whole wide world 2006 (overcoming a bad reputation)
Stay away from the water Shirley 2000—orig.pub. 1977
PICT BUT Butler, M. Christina; ill. Tina Macnaughton One winter’s day 2006
(kindness; one good turn deserves another)
PICT BUT Butterworth, Nick One snowy night (a tale from Percy’s park) 2003 edition
PICT BUT Butterworth, Nick Albert Le Blanc to the rescue! (with CD narration read by David Jason) 2007
(co-operation; friendship; courage)
PICT CAI Cain, Sheridan; ill. Gaby Hansen By the light of the moon 2006
(finding one’s place in the world; family love)
PICT CAL Cali, Davide; ill. Anna Laura Canone A dad who measures up 2007
(family love; kindness)
PICT CAR Carbone, Elisa; ill. E.B. Lewis Night running : how James escaped with the help of his faithful dog (Sophisticated picture book) 2008
(courage; enterprise; gratitude)
PICT CAR Cartwright, Pauline; ill. Annabel Craighead The cross feeling (NZ author) 2007
(getting over a tantrum; saying sorry)
PICT CAS Caseley, Judith On the town : a community adventure 2002
(community values)
PICT CEC Cecka, Melanie; ill. Emily Arnold McCully Violet comes to stay 2006
(hope; finding one’s place in the world; family love)
PICT CEC Cecil, Randy Duck 2008
(kindness; self sacrifice)
PICT CHA Chamberlain, Margaret Please don’t torment Tootsie 2008
(kindness to animals)
PICT CHE Chen Guji Guji 2005
(acceptance of differences)
The featherless chicken 2006
(self acceptance)
PICT CHI Child, Lauren We honestly can look after your dog 2005 (taking responsibility)
PICT CHU Church, Caroline Jayne Scruff Sheep 2006
(being helpful);
Come on Digby 2007 (good manners)
PICT CLE Clement, Rod Just another ordinary day 1996
Louisa May Pickett, the most boring person in class 2005
(imagination; self esteem)
PICT COL Cole, Babette That’s why! 2005
(co-operation; overcoming depression)
PICT COL Cole, Joanna; ill. Maxie Chambliss I’m a big sister; I’m a big brother 1997
PICT CON Conway, David; ill. Karin Littlewood The most important gift of all 2006 (family love)
PICT COO Cooper, Helen Delicious : a pumpkin soup story 2006
(sharing; co-operation)
PICT COU Coulman, Valerie; ill. Roge When pigs fly 2006
(perseverance; self-belief; extending horizons)
PICT COW Cowell, Cressida; ill. Neal Layton That rabbit belongs to Emily Brown 2006
(love; knowing the true value of things)
Emily Brown and the thing 2007
PICT CRE Creighton, Lorinda; ill. Bob Darrock Matilda and the fibbles (NZ) 2007
(honesty; owning up)
PICT CUN Cuneo, Diane; ill. Jack E. Davis Mary Louise loses her manners 1999
PICT DAH Dahimene, Adelheid; ill. Heide Stollinger Making friends 2008
(friendship; acceptance of differences)
PICT DAV Davey, Mike; ill. Bruce Potter The dawn (NZ) 2007
(compassion; believing that one person can make a difference)
PICT DAV Davis, Aubrey; ill. Dusan Petricic Bone button borscht 1995/ 2008
(generosity; sharing)
PICT DEM Demi The girl who drew a phoenix 2008
(patience; wisdom)
PICT DIC Dickinson, Trevor; ill. Emma Carlow Kitty Princess and the newspaper dress 2004
(politeness; good manners)
PICT DIS DiSalvo, DyAnne Spaghetti Park 2002
(co-operation; reclaiming the neighbourhood; community values)
PICT DOW Downey, Lynn; ill. Pam Paparone The tattletale 2006
(family love)
PICT DOY Doyle, Malachy; ill. John Bendall-Brunello Big pig 2006
(family love)
SPICT DYL Dylan, Bob; ill. Paul Rogers Forever young 2008
(a wish and blessing for a child)
PICT DUN Duncan, Tracy Mere McKaskill’s boil-up (NZ) 2007
(friendship; sharing; multi-culturalism)
PICT EAS Easterling, Bill; ill. Mary Beth Owens Prize in the snow 1994
(compassion; change of heart)
PICT ELL Ellery, Tom and Amanda If I had a dragon 2006
(being content with what one has)
PICT ELL Ellis, Sarah; ill. Dusan Petricic The queen’s feet 2006
PICT EMM Emmett, Nathan; ill. Nathan Reed What friends do best 2004
PICT ERI Ering, Timothy Basil Necks out for adventure 2007
(courage; individuality)
PICT ERL Erlbruch, Wolf The fearsome five 2009
(finding talents)
PICT ERN Ernst, Lisa Campbell Sylvia Jean, drama queen 2005 (being yourself)
PICT FAR Fardell, John Manfred the baddie 2008
(overcoming a bad reputation; reforming)
PICT FEA Fearnley, Jan The search for the perfect child 2006
(acceptance; family love)
PICT FEI Feiffer, Kate; ill. Jules Feiffer Henry the dog with no tail 2007
(friendship; self-acceptance)
PICT FIT Fitzpatrick, Mike and Esther; ill Bruce Madden Jack 2008
(love; patience; perseverance)
PICT FLE Fleming, Virginia; ill. Floyd Cooper Be good to Eddie Lee 1993 (taking responsibility)
PICT FOR Foreman, Jack and Michael Say hello 2007
(friendliness; inclusiveness)
PICT FRE Freedman, Claire; ill. Leonie Shearing Squabble and Squawk 2006
(conflict resolution)
ill. Emma Carlow and Trevor Dickinson Blame it on the great blue panda! 2007
(importance of telling the truth; obedience)
PICT FRE French, Jackie; ill. Bruce Whatley Emily and the big bad bunyip 2008
(kindness; perseverance)
PICT FRE French, Vivian; ill. Jackie Morris Singing to the south : a fairy tale 2008
(love; wisdom; discernment)
PICT FRY Fryett, Colleen Mere Mihare flips her lid (NZ) 2005
(getting over a tantrum; saying sorry)
PICT FUN Funke, Cornelia; ill. Kerstin Meyer Princess Pigsty 2007
(being happy; knowing what is really important)
PICT GAR Garland, Sarah Eddie’s kitchen and how to make good things to eat 2007
(resourcefulness; helpfulness; kindness; taking responsibility)
PICT GAY Gay, Michel Zou 2009
(helpfulness; love)
SPICT GON Gonsalves, Rob; words by Sarah L. Thomson Imagine a place 2008
(imagination—also featured in earlier books, Imagine a day and Imagine a night)
PICT GOR Gorbachev, Valeri Heron & Turtle 2006
(consideration of others)
PICT GOR Gordon, David Smitten : a lint-free love story 2007
(love; friendship; caring)
PICT GOR Gormley, Greg; ill. Lynne Chapman Rocky and the lamb 2006
(overcoming a bad reputation)
PICT GRA Graham, Bob How to heal a broken wing 2008
(kindness; kindness to animals; caring)
PICT GRI Grindley, Sally; ill. Michael Terry The sulky vulture 2002
PICT GUI Guillain, Adam; ill. Elke Steiner Bella’s chocolate surprise : an adventure in fair trade 2007
PICT HAM Hamilton, Richard; ill. Helen Lanzrein The secret cave 2007
PICT HAN Hannken, Catherine; ill. Trish Bowles Fiapule 2006
(family values)
PICT HAR Harshman, Marc; ill. Barbara Garrison Only one neighborhood 2007
(community values; acceptance of differences)
PICT HEL Helakoski, Leslie; ill. Henry Cole Big chickens 2006
(overcoming fear);
ill. Lee Harper Woolbur 2008
(behaviour; individuality)
PICT HIG Higlett, Alex Egg and bird 2006
(celebration of difference)
PICT HOB Hobbie, Holly Fanny 2008
(enterprise; knowing what’s really important; not following the ‘herd’)
PICT HOB Hobbs, Leigh Old Tom’s big book of beauty 2007
(love; accepting people as they are)
PICT HOW Howarth, Heidi and David The littlest lighthouse keeper (with suggested lesson plan) 2008
(helpfulness; courage; co-operation; enterprise)
PICT HUM Hume, Lachie Clancy the courageous cow 2006
(courage; self esteem; problem solving)
PICT HUT Hutchins, Hazel; ill. Dorothy Donohoe Believing Sophie 1995
(honesty; trust; trustworthiness; self respect)
PICT IMA Imai, Ayano Chester 2007
(family love; realising what it is really important)
PICT INK Inkpen, Mick Baggy Brown 2007
(love; knowing what is really important)
PICT JAN Janisch, Heinz; ill. Carola Holland Heave ho! 2005
PICT JOH Johnson, Angela; ill. Loren Long I dream of trains 2003
(hope; following a strong role model)
PICT KEM Kemp, Jane & Walters, Clare; ill. Penny Dale Time to say I love you 2006
(love; unafraid to show emotion)
I very really miss you 2007
(family love)
SPICT KHA Khan, Rukhsana; ill. Ronald Himler The roses in my carpets 2004
(perseverance; courage; hope; family values; responsibility)
PICT KIR Kirwan, Wednesday Nobody notices Minerva 2007
(family love)
PICT KLI Klise, Kate; ill. M.Sarah Klise Why do you cry? : not a sob story 2006
(unafraid to show emotion)
PICT KNU Knudsen, Michelle; ill. Kevin Hawkes Library lion 2006
(using initiative)
PICT KOP Kopelke, Lisa Tissue, please! 2004
(politeness; cleanliness)
PICT KRA Kraft, Jim; ill. Lynne Avril The no-good do-good pirates 2008
PICT KRO Kroeger, Mary Kay; ill. Ted Lewin Paperboy 1996
PICT KRO Kroll, Steven; ill. Vincent Nguyen Jungle bullies 2006
PICT KRO Kroll, Virginia; ill. Nancy Cote Good Citizen Sarah (The Way I Act series)
(helpfulness; community values; good citizenship) 2007
PICT LAG Laguna, Sofie; ill. Anna Pignataro Stephen’s music 2007
(perseverance; practice)
PICT LAK Lakin, Patricia; ill. John Manders Clarence the copy cat 2002
(friendship; acceptance; sticking to one’s principles; pacifism)
PICT LAR Lardner, Kym; ill. Oliver Lardner The naked penguin 2008
(acceptance of difference)
PICT LAR Larsen, Andrew; ill. Irene Luxbacher The imaginary garden 2009
(imagination; hope; enterprise)
PICT LEE Leeson, Christine; ill. Jane Chapman The snow angel 2006
PICT LEW Lewis, Rob Cold Jac 2002
(kindness; sharing)
SPICT LIA Liao, Jimmy The sound of colors : a journey of the imagination 2006
(imagination; hope; optimism)
PICT LIP Lipp, Frederick; ill. Jason Gaillard Running shoes 2006
(courage; determination; hope)
PICT LLO Lloyd, Sam Mr Pusskins Best in Show 2008
PICT LOC Lockyer, John; ill. Bob Darroch Kiwi goes to rugby camp 2007
(learning not to be bossy; sharing)
Kiwi has a big secret 2007
(relying on skill rather than luck; self confidence)
Kiwi gets in a mess 2008
Kiwi shows off 2008
(balance between self esteem and conceit)
PICT LUC Luchsinger, Dena Fox; ill. Karen A. Jerome Sometimes smart is good (bilingual English/Spanish) 2007
(kindness; friendship; identifying what is important; Christian values)
PICT LUN Lund, Deb; ill. Howard Fine Dinosailors 2006
PICT MCA McAllister, Angela; ill. Ross Collins Trust me, Mum! 2006
(taking responsibility)
ill. Nick Maland A place for middle 2007
(finding one’s place in the world)
PICT MCD McDonnell, Patrick South 2008
(kindness; friendship; self sacrifice)
PICT MCG McGrath, Raymond Don’t worry Nana, I’ll drive! (NZ author) 2007
PICT MCK McKee, David Elmer and the rainbow 2007
(sharing and giving)
Elmer and Wilbur 2007
(friendship; co-operation)
Elmer and the big bird 2008
(working together; strategies to avoid conflict)
SPICT MCK McKimmie, Chris Maisie Moo and invisible Lucy 2007
PICT MAT Matthews, Tina Out of the egg 2007
(co-operation; friendship; forgiveness)
PICT MEG Megarrity, David; ill. Jonathan Oxlade The empty city 2007
PICT MEL Melling, David The kiss that missed (with CD) 2006
PICT MEL Melling, David The scallywags 2006
(good manners; friendship; acceptance of differences)
PICT MET Metcalf, Paula Mabel’s magical garden 2005
(sharing; friendship)
PICT MET Metcalf, Paula Norma Snows 2008
(self esteem; making the most of one’s abilities; looking for ways to be useful)
PICT MEW Mewburn, Kyle; ill. Ali Teo & John O’Reilly Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck! 2006
(family love)
Ill. Freya Blackwood No room for a mouse 2007
PICT MICH Michelson, Richard; ill. E.B. Lewis Across the alley 2006
(disproving stereotypes; multi-culturalism)
PICT MOO Moore, Julianne Freckleface Strawberry 2007
(self acceptance)
PICT MOR Morrison, Yvonne; ill. Donovan Bixley Wacko Kakapo 2007
PICT MOS Moss, Marissa; ill. C.F.Payne True heart 1999
(perseverance; hope; ambition)
PICT MOU Mountain, Peter; ill. Bryan Pollard Smelly-locks 2005
(obedience; cleanliness)
PICT MUR Murphy, Jill On the way home (1982) 2007
PICT MUR Murray, Andrew; ill. Nicola Slater It’s show-time, Elvis! 2006
(owning up)
PICT MUT Muth, Jon J. Zen ties 2008
(helpfulness; good manners)
PICT NEU Neubecker, Robert Courage of the blue boy 2006
(courage; self realisation)
PICT NIE Niemann, Christoph The police cloud 2007
(self acceptance; people having different talents)
PICT NIL Niland, Deborah Annie to the rescue 2007
(courage; good sense)
PICT NIL Niland, Kilmeny Two tough teddies 2007
(love; courage; hope)
PICT NOL Nolen, Jerdine; ill. E. B. Lewis Pitching in for Eubie 2008
(family values; family love; responsibility)
PICT NOO Noonan, Diana; ill. Elizabeth Fuller The best-loved bear 1996
(love; identifying what is really important) (cf The perfect bear 2007)
PICT OFF Offill, Jenny; ill. Nancy Carpenter 17 things I’m not allowed to do anymore 2007
(bad behaviour; humour)
PICT ONE O’Neill, Alexis; ill. Laura Huliska-Beith The recess queen (video also available) 2002
(standing up for oneself; taking a stand against bullying)
PICT ORA Oram, Hiawyn; ill. Vanessa Cabban When wishing comes true 2006
(self-motivation, resourcefulness)
PICT ORA Orams, LeAnne; ill. Lamia Aziz Can I play? (NZ) 2007
(acceptance of differences)
PICT OSM Osment, Michelle; ill. Sunset Perky by the roadside 2006
(road sense)
PICT OTT Otto, Carolyn; ill. Megan Lloyd Pioneer church 1999
(community values; co-operation)
PICT PAR Parr, Todd Do’s and don’ts 1999
PICT PEN Penn, Audrey; ill. Ruth E.Harper and Nancy M.Leak The kissing hand 2007
(family love)
PICT PFI Pfister, Marcus Milo and the magical stones 2000
(conservation; consequences of greed—‘Choose your own ending’ format shows the result of both)
PICT PIP Piper, Watty; ill. Loren Long The little engine that could 2005 (re-issue of 60-year-old classic—perseverance)
PICT PIT Pittar, Gill –the series of ‘Milly Molly’ books, each of which focuses on a different value (www.millymolly.com)
PICT POL Pollak, Barbara Our community garden 2004
(co-operation; community values)
PICT POR Portis, Antoinette Not a stick 2008
PICT RAS Raschka, Chris Five for a little one 2006
(finding happiness in everyday things; being content with what one has; love)
PICT RAS Rascha, Chris; ill. Vladimir Radunsky Table manners 2003
PICT RAY Ray, Jane The apple-pip princess 2007
(resoucefulness; lack of greed)
PICT RAY Rayner, Catherine Augustus and his smile 2006
(staying positive; not giving up)
PICT REE Reece, Gordon Nog the nag bird 2006
(self acceptance)
SPICT Richards, Chuck Jungle gym jitters 2004
(courage; enterprise)
PICT ROO Root, Phyllis; ill. Mary Grandpre Lucia and the light 2006
(courage; enterprise)
PICT SAM Samuels, Barbara Dolores meets her match 2007
(love of animals; accepting people as they are)
PICT SCH Schwartz, Amy; ill. Leonard S.Marcus Oscar : the big adventure of a little sock monkey 2006
(perseverance; kindness; enterprise)
PICT SCH Schwarz, Viviane Timothy and the strong pajamas 2008
(kindness; helpfulness)
PICT SCO Scotton, Rob Russell and the lost treasure 2006
(identifying what is really important)
PICT SHA Shannon, David A bad case of stripes (1998)
(being yourself; not giving in to peer pressure)
David goes to school (1999) 2006
(manners at school)
PICT SHA Shaw, Hannah Evil weasel 2008
(reconciliation; turning over a new leaf)
PICT SHI Shields, Gillian; ill. Gary Blythe The perfect bear 2007
(love; identifying what is important. cf The best loved bear 1996)
ill. Dan Taylor Dogfish 2008
(imagination; making the best of things)
PICT SHU Shulevitz, Uri How I learned geography 2008
PICT SIE Sierra, Judy; ill. J. Otto Siebold Mind your manners, B.B. Wolf 2007
PICT SIN Singer, Marilyn; ill. Timothy Bush Let’s build a clubhouse 2006
PICT SMA Smallman, Steve; ill. Jack Tickle The very greedy bee 2007-10-24
(sharing; lack of greed; helpfulness)
PICT SOU Soule, Jean Conder; ill. George Booth Never tease a weasel 2007
PICT SPI Spinelli, Eileen; ill. Rosie Winstead Someday 2007
(imagination; family values)
PICT STA Stanton, Karen; ill. Rene King Moreno Papi’s gift 2007
(family love)
PICT STE Stewart, Sarah; ill. David Small The gardener (video available) 1997
(being positive; overcoming difficulties)
PICT TAM Tamehana, Esther; ill. James Molnar Roimata’s cloak 1995
(kindness; co-operation)
PICT TAY Taylor, Sean; ill. Nick Sharratt When a monster is born 2006
(making choices)
PICT THO Thompson, Colin The big little book of happy sadness 2008
Sometimes love is under your foot 2008 (love; appreciation)
PICT TIT Titus, Eve; ill. Paul Galdone Anatole (50th anniversary edition) 2006
(overcoming a bad reputation; enterprise)
PICT UFF Uff, Carline The worry monster 2006
(telling the truth)
PICT URB Urbanovic, Jackie Duck and cover 2009
(kindness; courage)
PICT VER Vere, Ed Mr Big 2008
(not judging by appearances; appreciation of difference)
PICT VIS Vision, David & Mutiya; ill. Ignacio Alcantara If only I could! 2004 (perseverance)
PICT VRO Vrombaut, An Dear Dragon 2005; Dragon festival 2008
(gentleness; self confidence; love)
PICT WAD Waddell, Martin; ill. Barbara Firth Bee frog 2007
(family love)
PICT WAL Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth The kindness quilt 2006
(kindness; friendship)
PICT WEI Weigelt, Udo; ill. Julia Gukova It wasn’t me! 2001
(overcoming prejudice; not jumping to conclusions; responsibility)
PICT WHA Whatley, Bruce Clinton Gregory’s secret 2008
SPICT WIL Wild, Margaret; ill. Noela Young The bilbies of Bliss 2005
(taking a stand against injustice; kindness; compassion)
PICT WIL Wild, Margaret; ill. Janine Dawson Bobbie Dazzler 2006 (perseverance)
PICT WIL Willems, Mo Naked Mole Rat gets dressed 2009
(non- conformity)
PICT WIL Williams, Karen Lynn and Muhammed, Khadra; ill. Doug Chayka Four feet, two sandals
(friendship; sharing; courage; hope)
PICT WIL Willis, Jeanne; ill. Tony Ross The really rude rhino 2006
PICT WIL Wilson, Tony; ill. Tom Jellett Harry Highpants 2007
(courage to take a stand; acceptance of differences; good citizenship)
PICT WOL Wolf, Sallie; ill. Andy Robert Davies Truck stuck 2008
PICT WOO Woodruff, Elvira; ill. Adam Rex Small beauties : the journey of Darcy Heart O’Hara 2006
(hope; courage; appreciating the beauty of everyday things)
PICT WOR Wormell, Chris Henry and the fox 2006
(overcoming fear)
PICT WOU Would, Nick; ill. Christina Balit The scarab’s secret 2006
(value of friendship)
PICT WRI Wright, Cliff Three bears 2008
(kindness; helpfulness; caring; working together; forgiveness)
PICT YAM Yamamoto, Lani Albert 3 2007
(personal identity; self acceptance)
PICT YOL Yolen, Jane; Mark Teague How do dinosaurs go to school? 2007
(good manners at school)
PICT ZUC Zuckerman, Linda; ill. Jon J. Muth I will hold you ‘til you sleep 2006
(family love)
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