Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ghost Story Picture Books

NB—the Sophisticated Picture Books (SPICT) in this particular subject area may be too extreme for younger readers!

PICT AMS Amsden, Janet; ill. John Beder Grizzly Pete and the ghosts 2002

PICT BAT Bateman, Teresa; ill. Yayo Keeper of soles (2006)

SPICT BOL Bollinger, Peter Algernon Graves is scary enough (2005)

PICT CAZ Cazet, Denys The perfect pumpkin pie (2005)
SPICT CLA Clark, Mary Higgins; ill. Wendell Minor Ghost ship: a Cape Cod story (2007)
PICT COL Collins, Ross Elephantom (2006)
SPICT CRE Crew, Gary; ill. Robert Ingpen In the wake of the Mary Celeste
SPICT CRE Crew, Gary; ill. Bruce Whatley The lantern (2005)
SPICT CRE Crew, Gary; ill. Steven Woolman The watertower ( 1997); Beneath the surface (2004)
SPICT CREW Crew, Gary; ill. Shaun Tan The viewer (2003)
PICT DOH Doherty, Berlie; ill. Jane Ray Jinnie Ghost (2005)
PICT DUQ Duquennoy, Jacques Operation ghost (1999)
PICT EVA Evans, Cambria Bone soup (2008)
PICT GAI Gaiman, Neil; ill. Gris Grimly (?) The dangerous alphabet (Sophisticated in content—2008)
PICT KOH Kohara, Kazuno Ghosts in the house (2008)
PICT MAR Marsden, John; ill. Peter Gouldthorpe Norton’s hut (1998)
PICT MIC Michelson, Richard; ill. Adam McCauley Oh no, not ghosts! (2007)
PICT NIT Nitram, Icats; ill. Pamela McCarville Willow May goes to the midnight carnival (Sophisticated in content--2008)
PICT OGB Ogburn, Jacqueline K.; ill. Marjorie Priceman The bake shop ghost (2005)
PICT ROS Ross, Tony I want my light on! (2007)
PICT SAN Santoro, Scott Farm-fresh cats (mystery- 2006)
PICT SCH Schaefer, Lola M.; ill. Kevan Atteberry Frankie Stein (2007)
SPICT WEL Wells, H.G.; ill. Francois Roca The magic shop (2005 reprint)

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