PICT ALB Alborough, Jez Watch out! Big Bro’s coming! (2005 edition) 1994
PICT ALL Allen, Jonathan I’m not cute! 2005; The little rabbit who liked to say moo 2008
PICT ALL Allen, Pamela Alexander’s outing (farm animals- reprint) 1994; Fancy that! (farm animals- reprint) 1989; Mr Archimedes’ bath (reprint) 1991; Shhh! Little mouse 2007 ; Our daft dog Danny 2009
PICT ALS Alsenas, Linas Peanut 2007
PICT AND Anderson, Joan; ill. Nikki Slade Robinson The pine-cone track (farm animals--NZ) 2007
PICT AND Andreae, Giles; ill. Guy Parker-Rees The chimpanzees of Happytown 2006; ill. David Wojtowycz The lion who wanted to love (with read-along cd) 2000 edition
PICT APE Apel, Kathryn; ill. Warren Crossett This is the mud! 2009
PICT ARE Arena, Felice Hey, cat! 2008
PICT ARN Arnold, Tedd Hi! Fly guy 2005; Fly high, Fly guy! 2008
PICT ARN Arnosky, Jim Rabbits and raindrops 1997
A manatee morning 2000 (and several other attractively illustrated animal books)
SPICT ARU Aruego, Hose; ill. Ariane Dewey The last laugh 2006
PICT ARN Arnosky, Jim Grandfather Buffalo 2006
SPICT ASC Asch, Frank; ill. Devin Asch Mrs Marlowe’s mice (cats and mice) 2007
PICT BAC Bachelet, Giles My cat, the silliest cat in the world 2004; When the silliest cat was small 2006
PICT BAI Bailey, Linda; ill. Bill Slavin Stanley’s party 2003; Stanley’s wild ride 2006; Stanley at sea 2008; Stanley’s beauty contest 2009 (all deal with dogs)
PICT BAR Barber, Tom; ill. Rosalind Beardshaw A tale of two goats 2005
PICT BAU Bauer, Jutta Selma 2006
PICT BEA Beames, Margaret; ill. Rachel Driscoll The mouse that danced 2007; Oliver goes exploring (cat) 2008
PICT BED Bedford, David & Wllliamson, Melanie Hound dog 2005;
ill. Caroline Pedler Bedtime for little bears (polar bears) 2007
PICT BEE Bee, William Beware of the frog 2008
PICT BEL Belton, Robyn Herbert the brave sea dog (NZ) 2008
PICT BER Bergman, Mara; ill. Nick Maland Yum, yum! 2009
PICT BIT Bita, Natasha; ill. Kim Neale Fuzzy-wuzzy wombat and other rhymes (Australian animals) 2007
PICT BLA Blaisdell, Molly; ill. Nancy Lane Rembrandt and the boy who drew dogs : a story about Rembrandt van Rijn 2007
PICT BLA Blake, Robert J. Fledgling 2000 Togo (dog) 2002
PICT BLA Bland, Nick The very cranky bear 2008
PICT BLO Bloom, Suzanne A splendid friend, indeed 2005
PICT BOE Boelts, Maribeath; ill. David Walker Before you were mine 2007
PICT BOW Bowen, Anne; ill. Stephen Gammell I know an old teacher 2008
PICT BOW Bowler, Jo; ill. Errol McLeary Smooch the pooch 2005
PICT BRE Brett, Jan The umbrella (Amazon rainforest animals) 2004
PICT BRO Broach, Elise; ill. David Catrow Wet dog! 2005
SPICT BRO Browne, Anthony Zoo 2002
PICT BUC Buckingham, Matt Bright Stanley (fish) 2006
PICT BUH Von Buhler, Cynthia The cat who wouldn’t come inside 2006
PICT BUN Bunting, Eve; ill. Jeff Mack Hurry! Hurry! (farm animals) 2007; ill. Marsha Winborn Emma’s turtle 2007; ill. Dominic Catalano Mouse Island 2008
PICT BUT Butler, Dorothy; ill. Elizabeth Fuller O’Reilly and the real bears 2002; ill. Lyn Kriegler Seadog 2007
PICT BUT Butler, M. Christina; ill. Tina Macnaughton One winter’s day 2006
PICT BUT Butler, Philippa; ill. George Smith Pawprints in time (cat) 1998
PICT BUT Butterworth, Nick Tiger in the snow 2006
One snowy night (a tale from Percy’s park) 2003 edition
PICT CAL Calmenson, Stephanie; ill. Bruce Degen Jazzmatazz! 2007
Carbone, Elisa; ill. E.B. Lewis Night running : how James escaped with the help of his faithful dog (Sophisticated picture book) 2008
SPICT CAR Carmody, Isabelle; ill. Declan Lee The wrong thing (cat) 2006
PICT CAS Casanova, Mary; ill. Ard Hoyt Some dog! 2007
PICT CEC Cecka, Melanie; ill. Emily Arnold McCully Jan Karon presents Cynthia Coppersmith’s Violet comes to stay (cat) 2006
PICT CHA Chamberlain, Margaret Please don’t torment Tootsie 2008
PICT CHA Chapman, Pam; ill. Angela Connell Shrek the sheep : based on a true story (NZ) 2005
PICT CHI Chichester Clark, Emma Minty and Tink 2008
PICT CHI Child, Lauren I want a pet 2000
PICT CHI Child, Lauren We honestly can look after your dog 2005
PICT CHR Christelow, Eileen Letters from a desperate dog 2006
PICT CHU Church, Caroline Jayne Scruff Sheep 2006; Come on Digby 2007; Little Apple Goat 2007; Ping Pong Pig 2008
PICT CLA Clanchy, Kate; ill. Jemima Bird Our cat Henry comes to the swings 2005
PICT CLA Clarke, Gus Lucky 2005
PICT COC Cochran, Bill The forever dog 2007
PICT COF Coffelt, Nancy; ill. Tricia Tusa Fred stays with me 2007
PICT COL Cole, HenryTrudy (goat) 2009
PICT COL Collins, Ross Elephantom 2006
PICT CON Conway, David; ill. Karin Littlewood The most important gift of all (African animals) 2006
PICT COO Cooper, Elisha Bear dreams 2006
PICT COO Coote, Maree The seacret of Driftus and Sprout (sea dragons) 2006
PICT COS Costain, Meredith; ill Christina Booth No noise at our house (wild animals) 2008
PICT COU Cousins, Lucy Hooray for fish! 2005
PICT COW Cowley, Joy; ill. Robyn Belton Greedy cat and the school pet show 2004; Greedy cat and the sneeze 2006 (and other Greedy Cat titles by this New Zealand author)
PICT CRI Crisp, Marty; ill. Robert Papp Titanicat 2008
PICT CRO Cronin, Doreen; ill. Betsy Lewin Dooby dooby moo 2006 (and several other hilarious books about free-spirited farm animals)
PICT CRO Crowe, Carole; ill. Jim Postier Turtle girl (sea creatures) 2008
PICT CUT Cutbill, Andy; ill. Russell Ayto The cow that laid an egg 2007; The cow that was the best moo-ther 2009
PICT DAH Dahimene, Adelheid; ill. Heide Stollinger Making friends (farm animals) 2008
PICT DAH Dahl, Roald; ill. Quentin Blake The enormous crocodile 2001 (originally published 1978)
PICT DAL Dalla Palma, Pierre; words by Caroline Plaisted Zoo hullabaloo 1991
PICT DAN Danneberg, Julie; ill. Margot Apple Cowboy Slim 2006
PICT DAR Darroch, Ruth; Darroch, Bob Mrs Parata’s problem pets (NZ) 2007
PICT DAV Davey, Lucy; ill. Christine Ross Fifi la Belle ship’s cat 2009 (and other books about Fifi la Belle)
PICT DEA Deacon, Alexis Slow Loris (zoo animals) 2003
PICT DOD Dodd, Lynley Slinky Malinki’s Christmas crackers (NZ) 2006 (and numerous other stories involving Slinky Malinki, Hairy Maclary, Scarface Claw, etc)
PICT DOH Doherty, Berlie; ill. Alison Bartlett Paddiwak and Cozy 1999
PICT DOL Dolan, Penny; ill. Nick Sharratt Mr Pod and Mr Piccalilli 2005
PICT DON Donofrio, Beverly; ill. Barbara McClintock Mary and the mouse : the mouse and Mary 2007
PICT DOY Doyle, Malachy; ill. John Bendall-Brunello Big pig 2005
ill. Angela Rinaldi Horse 2008
PICT DUB Dubosarsky, Ursula; ill. Andrew Joyner The terrible plop 2009
PICT EDW Edwards, David; ill. Ashley Wolff The pen that Pa built (sheep) 2007
SPICT EDW Edwards, Wallace Alphabeasts 2002
PICT EGA Egan, Tim Serious farm 2003
PICT ELL Elliott, George; ill. Andrej Krystoforski The boy who loved bananas (zoo animals) 2005
PICT, ELL Ellwand, David Alfred’s camera : a collection of picture puzzles (dog) 1998; Alfred’s party 2000
PICT FAL Fall, Klara; ill. Heide Stollinger Elfrida 2005
PICT FAR Farrelly, Peter; ill. Jamie Rama Abigale the happy whale 2005
PICT FEA Fearnley, Jan The search for the perfect child (dog) 2006
PICT FEI Feiffer, Jules Bark, George! 1999 (video also available)
PICT FEI Feiffer, Kate; ill. Jules Feiffer Henry the dog with no tail 2007
PICT FEN Fenton, Corinne; ill. Peter Gouldthorpe Queenie : one elephant’s story (zoo animals) 2006
PICT FLO Florczak, Robert Yikes!! (wide range of wild animals) 2003
PICT FLO Floyd, Emily Cold paws, warm heart 2005
PICT FOL Foley, Sher; ill. Brian Lovelock The cat with no name (NZ) 2009
PICT FOR Forbes, Sheila; ill. Pali Pancha Hippo dance 2006
PICT FOR Foreman, Michael Mia’s story : a sketchbook of hopes and dreams 2006; Fox tale 2006
PICT FOX Fox, Mem; ill. Terry Denton A particular cow 2006
PICT FRE French, Jackie; ill. Bruce Whatley Josephine wants to dance 2006; Emily and the Big Bad Bunyip (Australian animals) 2008
PICT FRI Friday, Stormy; ill. Phyllis Saroff Signal’s airport adventure (cat) 2006
PICT FRI Friend, Catherine; ill. John Manders The perfect nest (cat and farmyard birds) 2007
PICT GIF Giffard, Hannah Red Fox on the move 1992
PICT GOL Goldfinger, Jennifer P. My dog Lyle 2007
SPICT GOL Golds, Cassandra; ill. Stephen Axelsen The mostly true story of Matthew and Trim 2005
PICT GOO Goodale, Rebecca Island dog 1999
PICT GOO Goode, Diane Tiger trouble 2001
PICT GOS Goss, Mini Rhino Neil (zoo animals) 2005
PICT GRA Graham, Bob The trouble with dogs 2007
PICT GRA Grant, Simon; ill. Jenny Cooper Peter and the pig 2008
PICT GRA Gravett, Emily Meerkat mail 2006; Monkey and me 2007; Dogs 2009
PICT GRA Gray, Kes; ill. Nick Sharratt Tiger ways 2007
PICT GRA Gray, Nigel; ill. Shane Nagle The best pet? 2006
PICT GRE Greig, Rhondda Noa’s calf (NZ) 2009
PICT GRO Groom, Molly; ill. Lucia Guarnotta We are bears 2000
PICT GUN Gunson, Dave Mr Muggs the library cat 2008
PICT HAF Hafner, Marylin Molly and Emmett’s surprise garden 2001
PICT HAR Harris, Rolf Tie me kangaroo down, sport (with accompanying dvd) 2008
PICT HAW Hawke, Rosanne; ill. Robert Ingpen Mustara 2006
PICT HAY Hayes, Sarah; ill. Hannah Broadway Dog day 2008
PICT HAY Hayward, Rachel; ill. Jenny Cooper McGregor 2005
PICT HEA Heap, Sue Danny’s drawing book (Zoo, Wild animals) 2007
PICT HEA Heard, Debby (photographs); words by Sue Allison Winston’s world (NZ- dogs) 2006
PICT HEL Helakoski, Leslie; ill. Lee Harper Woolbur (sheep) 2008
PICT HEN Henderson, John and Donaldson, Julia; ill. Thomas Docherty Fly, pigeon, fly! 2006
PICT HIL Hill, Anthony; ill. Jane Tanner Lucy’s cat and the rainbow birds 2007
PICT HIL Hill, Tobias; ill. Michael Foreman The lion who ate everything 2008
PICT HIN Hinge, Karen; ill. Roger Twiname Elephant trouble (zoo animals-NZ) 2007
PICT HOB Hobbs, Leigh Old Tom’s big book of beauty 2007
PICT HOD Hodgkinson, Leigh Colin and the wrong shadow (cats, mice) 2008
PICT HOL Holzwarth, Werner; ill. Wolf Erlbruch The story of the little mole who knew it was none of his business 2007 reprint (originally published 1989) PICT HOO Hooper, Meredith; ill. Bee Willey Celebrity cat 2006
PICT HOR Horacek, Petr A new house for mouse 2006; Elephant (imaginary friend) 2009
PICT HOR Hornsey, Chris; ill. Gwyn Perkins I could be a superhero! (dog) 2008
PICT HOW Howe, James; ill. Marie-Louise Gay Houndsley and Catina (early chapter book) 2006; Houndsley and Catina and the quiet time 2008
PICT HUD Hudson, Charlotte; ill. Lindsey Gardiner Dan and Diesel (guide dog) 2006
PICT HUM Hume, Lachie Clancy the courageous cow 2006
PICT HUN Huneck, Stephen Sally goes to the farm 2002
Sally goes to the vet 2004
PICT HUR Hurd, Clement The merry chase (originally published in 1941) 2005
PICT HUT Hutchins, Pat Barn dance! 2007
PICT IMA Imai, Ayano Chester (dog) 2007
PICT INK Inkpen, Mick Hide me, Kipper! 2008
PICT JAC Jack, Lynette; ill. Errol McLeary Prettied and preened 2006
PICT JAH Jahn-Clough, Lisa Little dog 2006
PICT JAR Jarman, Julia; ill. Lynne Chapman Class two at the zoo 2007
PICT JOH Johnson, D.B. Four legs bad, two legs good! (farm animals) 2007
PICT JON Jones, V.M.; ill. Scott Tulloch Echo and Hush (NZ sheepdogs and sheep) 2008; The naughtiest puppy (sequel) 2009
PICT JOO Joosse, Barbara; ill. Kate Kiesler Wind-wild dog 2006
PICT KAS Kasza, Keiko The dog who cried wolf 2005 (cf O’Reilly and the real bears )
PICT KEN Kenna, Anna; ill. Roger Twiname A fright at the orcas 2006; ill. Bruce Potter Bo 2007
PICT KHO Khoza, Valanga; ill. Sally Rippin Gezani and the tricky baboon 2003
PICT KLA Klaassen, Sandra Uan the little lamb 2005
PICT KOT Kotzwinkle, William; ill. Audrey Colman Walter the farting dog goes on a cruise 2006
PICT KRE Kressley, Carson; Jared Lee You’re different and that’s super 2005
PICT KRO Krosoczka, Jarrett J. Punk Farm on tour 2007
PICT KUC Kuchling, Guundie Tommy’s pet 2007
PICT KUS Kuskin, Karla; ill. Betsy Lewin So, what’s it like to be a cat? 2005
PICT LAC Lacomne, Bernard Cherry and Olive (dog) 2007
PICT LAK Lakin, Patricia; ill. John Manders Clarence the copy cat 2002
PICT LAM Lamb, Ann At the vet 2004
PICT LAR LaReau, Kara; ill. Scott Magoon Ugly fish 2006
PICT LAR Larson, Kirby and Nethery, Mary; ill Jean Cassels The two Bobbies : a true story of Hurricane Katrina, friendship, and survival 2008
PICT LAY Layton, Neal Layton Oscar and Arabella (prehistoric mammals) 2002
PICT LEB LeBlanc, Annette The magic rabbit 2007
PICT LEE Suzy The zoo 2007
SPICT LIL Lillegard, Dee; ill. Susan Guevara Tiger, tiger 2002
PICT LIN Lindgren, Barbro; ill. Eva Erilsson Max’s bath (dog) 2008
PICT LLO Lloyd, Sam Mr Pusskins and Little Whiskers 2007; Mr Pusskins Best in Show 2008
PICT LLO Lloyd-Jones, Sally; ill. Jill Newton Old MacNoah had an ark 2008
PICT LOB Lobel, Anita Nini here and there 2006
PICT LOO Van Loon, Joan; ill. John Van Loon Mang the wild orang-utan (zoo animals) 2007
PICT LYO Lyon, George Ella; ill. Stephanie Anderson Weaving the rainbow 2004
PICT MCC McCosker, Helen The nightfish (puzzle pictures) 2006
PICT MCC McCully, Emily Arnold Four hungry kittens (farm animals) 2001
PICT MCL McLeary, Errol Special Cecil (NZ) 2006; The path to Ponga Pond (NZ) 2007
PICT MCM McMillan, Bruce; ill. Gunnella How the ladies stopped the wind 2007
PICT MCM McMillan, Dawn; ill. Roge r Twiname Why cats rule the world…and dogs are still slaves (NZ) 2006
PICT MAH Mahy, Margaret; ill. Jenny Williams A lion in the meadow 1989
PICT MAH Mahy, Margaret; ill. Chantal Stewart The dragon of an ordinary family 2004 (story originally published 1969)
PICT MAL Mallat, Kathy Trouble on the tracks 2001
SPICT MAN Manos, Helen; ill. Max Maxfield Lucky baby yak 2007
PICT MAN Manzano, Sonia; ill. Matt Phelan A box full of kittens 2007
PICT MAR Markle, Sandra; ill. Alan Marks Finding home (koala) 2008
PICT MEN Menchin, Scott Taking a bath with the dog : and other things that make me happy 2007
PICT MEW Mewburn, Kyle; ill. Ali Teo & John O’Reilly Duck’s stuck (farm animals) 2008; ill. Claire Richards The eleventh sheep 2008
PICT MIL Miles, Victoria; ill. Molly Bang Old Mother Bear 2007
PICT MIL Millard, Kerry Quincy and Oscar 2006
PICT MIT Mitton, Tony; ill. Guy Parker-Rees All afloat on Noah’s boat 2006
PICT MON Montenegro, Laura Nyman A poet’s bird garden 2008
PICT MOR Morecroft, Judith; ill. Bronwyn Bancroft Malu Kangaroo—how the first children learnt to surf 2007
PICT MOR Morgan, Michaela; ill. Moira Kemp Hippo solves a mystery 2006 (cf Guji Guji)
PICT MOR Morris, Jackie The snow leopard 2007
SPICT MOR Morris, Jill; ill. Lynne Muir Argonauta : octopus navigator
( Sophisticated picture book) 2006
PICT MUR Murray, Andrew; ill. Nicola S later It’s show-time, Elvis! 2006
PICT MUR Murray, Marjorie Dennis; ill. Kevin O’Malley Hippo goes bananas (jungle animals) 2005
PICT MUT Muth, Jon J. Zen ties (wise panda) 2008
PICT NEW Newgarden, Mark; ill. Megan Montague Cash Bow-wow bugs a bug 2007
PICT NEW Newman, Jeff Hippo! No, rhino (zoo animals) 2006262032
PICT NIL Niland, Deborah Annie to the rescue 2007; Fat Pat (dog ) 2008
PICT NIL Nilsson, Ulf; ill. Eva Eriksson; trans. Julia Marshall All the dear little animals (animal funerals) 2006
PICT NOR Nordqvist, Sven; trans. Julia Marshall The fox hunt 2005; Pancakes for Findus (cat) 2007; When Findus was little and disappeared 2009
PICT NOR Norman, Kim; ill. David Clark Jack of all tails 2007
PICT NUM Numeroff, Laura; ill. Felicia Bond If you give a cat a cupcake 2008
PICT ONI Onishi, Satoru Who’s hiding? 2008
PICT PAL Palatini, Margie The perfect pet 2003
PICT PAU Paulsen, Gary; ill. Ruth Wright Paulsen Dogteam 1993
PICT PIC Pichon, Liz Bored Bill 2005
PICT PIN Pinkwater, Daniel; ill. Jill Pinkwater Dancing Larry 2006
PICT PIV Piven, Hanoch My dog is as smelly as dirty socks : and other funny family portraits 2007
PICT POI Pointon, Angela Mandy and Marmalade’s kitten catastrophe (NZ) 2000
PICT POP Poppenhager, Nicole; ill. Ivan Gantschev Snow leopards 2006
PICT POS Postgate, Daniel Smelly Bill 2007
PICT PRI Pritchett, Dylan; ill. Erin Bennett Banks The first music (jungle animals) 2006
PICT PRO Proysen, Alf; ill Hilda Offen Mrs Pepperpot and the treasure 2005
PICT PUL Pulford, Elizabeth; ill. Jenny Cooper Shut the gate (NZ) 2006; On a rabbit hunt 2009
PICT PUL Pullar, Noeline; ill. Lesley Faulks, with the children of Tarras School Further adventures of Shrek, New Zealand’s celebrity sheep 2007
PICT QUI Quinn, Pat; ill. Mukpuddy Leopold the wondercat 2006
SPICT RAD Radunsky, V. (Vladimir) I love you Dude 2005
PICT RAY Rayner, Catherine Harris finds his feet (hares) 2008
SPICT REI Reibstein, Mark; ill. Ed Young Wabi Sabi (cat) 2008
PICT REI Reiser, Lynn Hardworking puppies 2006
PICT RIL Riley, Kim; ill. Deborah Hinde Cow power (NZ) 2004; Baby cow power 2005
PICT RIV Rivett, Rachel; ill. Dubravka Kolanovic Little Grey and the great mystery (squirrels) 2006
PICT ROB Robertson, M.P. Hieronymus Betts and his unusual pets 2005
PICT ROD Roddie, Shen; ill. Henning Lohlein My name is Mr Fox 2006
Rodriguez, Beatrice The chicken thief 2009
PICT ROH Rohmann, Eric A kitten tale 2008
PICT ROO Root, Phyllis; ill. Mary Grandpre Lucia and the light (cat) 2006
PICT ROS Rosen, Michael; ill. Jonathan Langley Shoo! : a crafty cat with a cunning plan (farm animals—with read-along CD) 2007
PICT ROT Roth, Susan L. Great big guinea pigs (prehistoric animals) 2006
PICT RYM Rymond, Lynda Gene; ill. Nicolette Ceccoli Oscar and the mooncats 2007
PICT SAM Samuels, Barbara Dolores meets her match (cat) 2007
PICT SAN Santoro, Scott Farm-fresh cats 2006
PICT SAR Sara Across town 1990
PICT SCA Scamell, Ragnhild; ill. Michael Terry Ouch! 2006
PICT SCH Schoenherr, John Rebel 1995
PICT SCH Schories, Pat Jack wants a snack 2008
PICT SCH Schwartz, Corey Rose; ill. Olivier Dunrea Hop! Plop! 2006
PICT SCO Scotton, Rob Russell and the lost treasure 2006
PICT SEG Segal, John Carrot soup 2006
PICT SHE Sherry, Kevin I’m the biggest thing in the ocean 2007
PICT SHI Shields, Gillian; ill. Dan Taylor Dogfish 2008
PICT SHI Shipton, Jonathan; ill. Garry Parsons Emily’s perfect pet 2002
PICT SIM Simeon, Jean-Pierre; ill. Oliver Tallec This is a poem that heals fish 2007
PICT SIM Simmons, Jean Together 2006
PICT SLO Sloane, Julia; ill. Mukpuddy The farmyard chorus 2006
PICT SME Smee, Nicola Clip-clop 2006
PICT SMI Smith, Miriam; ill. Lesley Moyes Annie & Moon (NZ) 2007 reprint
PICT SPA Spang, Monika; ill. Sonja Bougaeva The big yawn (zoo animals) 2009
PICT SPU Spurling, Margaret; ill. Danny Snell Seadragon sea 2005
PICT STA Stainton, Sue; ill. Anne Mortimer I love cats 2007
SPICT STA Stanley, Elizabeth Tyger! Tyger! 2007
PICT STE Stein, David Ezra Leaves (bears) 2007
PICT STE Stewart, Paul; ill. Tim Vyner In the dark of the night (wolves) 2008
PICT STO Stohner, Anu; ill. Henrike Wilson Santa’s littlest helper travels the world 2007
PICT SUT Sutton, Eve; ill. Lynley Dodd My cat likes to hide in boxes 1973, reprinted 2000
PICT SWI Swinburne, Stephen R.; ill. (cut-paper) Melinda Levine Water for one, water for everyone : a counting book of African animals 1998
PICT SZY Szymanik, Melinda; ill. Malcolm Evans Clever Moo 2006
PICT TAF Tafuri, Nancy Blue goose (farm animals) 2007
PICT TEA Teague, Mark LaRue for mayor : letters from the campaign trail (dogs) 2008
PICT TECK Teckentrup, Britta Grumpy cat 2008
PICT TEL Tellis, Annabel If my dad were a dog 2007
PICT THI Thiele, Colin; ill. Mavis Stucci Miss Bilby (threats to native wildlife from imported animals) 2008
PICT THO Thompson, Colin The big little book of happy sadness 2008; Sometimes love is under your foot 2008
PICT THO Thomson, Pat; ill. Jonathan Allen It’s so unfair! 2007
PICT TIM Timmers, Leo Who’s driving? 2006; I am the king 2007
PICT TOF Toft, Kim Michelle A sea of words : an ABC of the deep blue sea 2006; The twelve underwater days of Christmas 2007
PICT TOM Tomlinson, Jill; ill. Paul Howard The cat who wanted to go home 2006
PICT URB Urbanovich, Jackie Duck and cover 2009
PICT VEL Velthuijs, Max Frog in winter 2005 edition
PICT WAD Waddell, Martin; ill. Jason Cockroft Room for a little one 2004
PICT WAR Ward, Helen; ill. Wayne Anderson Moon dog 2006
PICT WAR Warhola, James If you’re happy and you know it (jungle edition) 2007
PICT WAR Warren, Tanya; ill. Dave Gunson Will and Woof 2006
PICT WAT Watson, Benjamin James; ill. Richard Jesse Watson The boy who went ape (chimpanzee) 2008
PICT WAT Watt, Melanie Chester 2007; Chester’s back! (cat) 2008
PICT WEB Webley, Kaye; ill. Jenny Young Frank’s goat (NZ) 2002
PICT WEI Weigelt, Udo; ill. Nina Spranger Super Guinea Pig saves the world (2008)
PICT WEL Wells, Rosemary; Ill. Susan Jeffers McDuff comes home 2006
(and other books about West Highland terrier McDuff)
PICT WES Westall, Robert; ill. William Geldart David and the kittens 2003
(factual information about the birth of kittens)
PICT WIL Wild, Margaret; ill. Janine Dawson Bobbie Dazzler 2006
PICT WIL Wild, Margaret; ill. Stephen Michael King The pocket dogs go on holiday 2008
PICT WIL Wild, Margaret; ill. Freya Blackwood Harry and Hopper (dog) 2009
PICT WIL Wildsmith, Brian Jungle party (new edition of Python’s party 1974) 2006
PICT WIL Willans, Tom Wait! I want to tell you a story! 2004
PICT WIL Willems, Mo The pigeon wants a puppy 2008
PICT WIL Willis, Jeanne; ill. Tony Ross The really rude rhino 2006; Mammoth pie 2008; ill. Gwen Millward The bog baby 2008
PICT WIN Winch, John Run, Hare, run! : the story of a drawing 2005
PICT WOO Wood, Nancy; ill. Timothy Basil Ering Mr and Mrs God in the Creation kitchen 2006
PICT WOR Wormell, Chris Henry and the fox 2006; Ferocious wild beasts 2009
Poetry about Dogs
811.6 GOT Gottfried, Maya; ill. Robert Rahway Zakanitch Good dog 2005
811.6 MCL MacLachlan, Patricia and Emily; ill. Katy Schneider Once I ate a pie: 13 dogs tell all 2006
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